Children Of The Night – "World Of Tears"

"Life is but a road, a road that leads nowhere
a path that's full of sorrow, a path that's full of tears"


"In a world that's full of hate, in a world that's full of hate,
in a world that's full of sorrow, and a world so full of tears"


"In darkness there is pleasure, a pleasure sweet and pure
that your mind and thoughts do wander and stay along this route"


Unfassbares Knowledge-Gedroppe über das Leben, die Liebe und die Realität aus einem Kaff in Connecticut. Gehirnzersägende Gitarren-Breaks schneiden dieses Meisterwerk aus dem Jahr 1967 in Stücke. Apropos Knowledge-Gedroppe: hättest Du gewusst, dass eine Frau die Lead Vocals singt? Nee, ich auch nicht.